Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Creator

Who creates us all??
I know the 1st thing which will come to your mind is none other than but “THE GOD” and not our mother. So what will a prophet say if being asked “Who is a creator?” He will say JESUS. If the same being asked to a Brahmin, a fakir they will say “bhagvan” and “allha” respectively.
Is this true??
Scientifically not but myth logically yes..
GOD— the almighty, the supreme power, the most powerful…… m running out of the perfect phrase (may be GOD knows!!!)
If you think carefully you will understand a very basic but fundamental concept. Can you remember the last time you have had remembered GOD????
The answer is when you are in distress... M giving a few examples..
Doctor to his/her ailing patient family “pray to god everything is in his hand…”
Student during exam time “Oh GOD help me..Please make the paper easy..”
The examples continue…
So we can conclude that whenever we are in dearth need we pray to GOD else not….why ‘cause we believe that he is the only who can help us in dire needs.
So is GOD a consequence and nothing else??
Now the million dollars question WHO IS GOD???
What if I say I am THE GOD?? No I am not talking nuts… m serious…. None of us has seen GOD… we don’t have a picture of him…which we have is just the brainchild of some artisans and some being inscribed in books…. Then … what will be the possible answers of the so called religious heads??
1> m an atheist.. i m out of bloody mind
2> I am not a son of a virgin mother…..
3> I cant perform mischievous acts, cant divide two breads among two thousand people, cant baptized or become a teacher at the age of twelve….
4> Or god cant write blogs!!!!!!!!
I know there is not a formula to derive whether x = god or not……..
But there is a contrast also.. then who is providing the huge amount of chemical everyday to the plants to give flowers, who is making the earth revolving round the sun, how come a human being created within another human??????????
Who is creating and maintaining a fine balance?? Yes there has to be someone having the power…be it GOD or .. Whoever may be..
If god is there he is saying us to remain united…don’t fight.’ cause god is within us all. If we fight among ourselves.....
You will become the punisher of yourself…..

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Laws

“Every Beginning has its END” :- Sounds familiar? Should be.
The very line once had been uttered by the Matrix chief Morpheus aka Laurence Fishburne. Yes, its true, a harsh fact & moreover a law. The Earth follows a cycle obeying the rule which is common but quite complicated sometimes. Every organism has to perish off from the mother Earth. Not only that every single instance be it manual or automatic or semi-automatic or natural has its end. Why?
The answer doesn’t require a mathematical function, a chemical equation to solve. Because its simple, due to the maintenance of a cyclic balance.
Now the main thing…for the past few days’ astrologers, prophets & even a group of scientists are predicting, which is making our nights a nightmare that: - “The World will see its end at 2012.”
Astonished, unbelievable, weird, bizarre…..which is the right word to fit the bill? None of the above… ’cause it’s a law. You have to admit it. Earth can’t be the odd one. If taking a birth on earth is considered as an instance of the universal law then earth is also again an instance of the Universe.
Earth should also wipe off from the galaxy…
Accordingly, it doesn’t need a black magician, a Stephen Hawking to predict. Yes it may be the case the day may consume a whole century, a quarter & may be the day after tomorrow.

Who knows!!!!